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Other resources available online for new coders


Learning to code is incredibly rewarding, but it can be overwhelming if you have no idea where to start. Luckily, there are plenty of free resources available online that will help beginners get up to speed with computer programming.


FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that teaches programming. It was founded by Jake Knapp, who also created the freeCodeCamp website and YouTube channel. FreeCodeCamp has been around since 2012, but it only started gaining popularity in 2016 after it partnered with O’Reilly Media to create the first coding bootcamp curriculum for teaching developers how to code.

FreeCodeCamp is an excellent resource for learning how to code because it offers many resources such as:

  • Daily exercises where you can practice your skills while learning new concepts and techniques;

  • A community of people who are learning how to make websites like yours;


Udacity is a great resource for learning coding. Udacity offers courses in web development, data science and machine learning. Udacity has a wide range of courses from beginner to advanced, so you can find the one that fits your needs best.

Udacity offers a certificate of completion when you finish a course so you can get recognized as an expert in your field!


CodeAcademy is a free, online coding platform that provides interactive exercises and videos to help you learn how to code. It's simple, straightforward and easy to use.

CodeAcademy has strong track record of providing quality training for beginners in programming languages like JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.

These websites offer great resources to learn coding.

FreeCodeCamp is a great resource for beginners. It's a website that offers free courses on web development, including HTML and CSS fundamentals. The site also has many more advanced features like Git and JavaScript. Udacity offers many different classes in web development, including:

  • Introduction to Programming (Udacity)

  • JavaScript Fundamentals (Udacity)

  • Python for Data Science (Udacity)

There are free ways to learn coding online.

There are many free resources available online for new coders.

  • FreeCodeCamp is a community of developers and engineers who want to learn how to code, with a focus on JavaScript. The site has been around since 2012 and offers courses on HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and more. Students can also use the site's forum to ask questions or post work-in-progress projects they've completed themselves (they're not graded).

  • Udacity is an online learning platform that offers several different programs at various levels of difficulty (from beginner to advanced). There are even classes for those who have never programmed before! If you're interested in computer science but aren't sure where it fits into your life yet—or if you just want something fun—this might be just what you need



There's no better time than now to learn how to code. With the help of these websites, you can become a software engineer in no time.

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