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At what age can students learn to code?


You’ve probably heard the phrase “code is poetry.” But what does that mean? How can we teach kids to code? And why should they learn it in the first place?

The answer isn’t so straightforward.

In fact, it depends on the child and their situation. The age of a child is just one factor in determining whether they can learn to code. Their personality, interests, ability to learn and retain information, and even how long it takes them to process information are also important factors that will affect their ability to code at an early age.

But the real question is: why?

Learning to code can help you get into college, learn more about the world, build things, and express yourself.

How young is too young?

Coding can be a great educational tool, but it's not for everyone. The age at which children should start learning to code depends on your child's maturity level and interests.

If you want your child to learn about coding for fun, then it's okay for them to start as young as two or three years old if they are ready for the challenge of learning how computers work. The younger they are when you start teaching them coding, the more likely they'll have fun with it!

Would my child be good at coding?

  • How to teach coding to your child:

  • The first step is to determine what your child's interests are. Are they excited about math? Do they love reading? Does he or she enjoy making things with their hands and building things out of Legos, blocks or other materials? If so, then try looking for an activity that incorporates those interests and can be done by just about anyone. For example, if your son loves Lego but hasn't played with them since he was young (like many kids), then there are lots of websites where you can download free model sets from around the world that use basic physics principles like gravity (and even how wind works). You might also find websites dedicated exclusively for teaching coding through games; these sites often have a focus on teaching children how video games work so they'll be better able to understand how computers operate when using code in their own programs! It may take some time before everyone catches on but once they do it could be very fun!

Encourage your child to try it out.

Encourage your child to try it out.

You can help your child find a language that's accessible and easy to learn by using resources like books, online tutorials and videos from YouTube. Try to make it fun and engaging so that your child will be interested in learning more about programming. If you know what type of learner they are (eager or not), find out where they're at in terms of their age before starting with lessons on coding itself!

Learn more about how you can teach your child to code!

There are many resources available online to teach your child to code. Some of these include:

  • Online programs that provide coding lessons for children and adults. These programs can be found at sites like CodeHS, which offers courses for all ages, from preschool through middle school, high school and beyond.

  • Programs in schools and libraries across the country that offer coding classes for kids as young as 5 years old (and older). These classes are often paired with other subjects such as math or science so they're fun while still being educational!

If you want to learn more about how you can teach your child to code on their own time then check out our articles below!

Coding is one of the most valuable skills children can learn, and there are many ways to introduce programming concepts at home.

Coding is a skill your child will need in the future, so it’s important to teach them now. Even though it may seem like they are too young to learn coding, there are many ways you can introduce coding concepts at home.

  • Encourage your child to try out programming ideas on their own. You can show them how easy it is by taking an old computer or laptop and turning it into a pretend game console! Or maybe they would rather play with some blocks or Legos? Whatever you choose as the medium for learning about programming—it doesn't matter! Just make sure that whatever activity you choose involves physical movement (i.e., not sitting in front of a screen).

  • Teach your child how computers work by giving him/her an introduction into basic concepts such as variables and loops (repeating actions over time). Once those basics have been covered thoroughly enough so that he/she understands what's going on inside those programs, then move on from there into more advanced topics like HTML5 & CSS3 which allow users who know nothing more than basic syntax rules from writing HTML code online (like us!)


We hope that this article has helped you understand the basics of coding, as well as how it can be used in a variety of circumstances. There are many ways to introduce this skill to your child, and we hope that you will consider them all!

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