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How to get started on your computer science career

Computer science is one of the most popular majors right now, but it's also one of the most competitive. You can't just choose a computer science degree and expect to get hired right out of college. To succeed in this field, you need to be able to show that you have what it takes: passion for learning new technologies and languages, an ability to think critically about problems—and a set of skills that employers will appreciate. Fortunately, though, there are plenty of ways to get started on your career path as a computer scientist! Here are some ideas for how people start their careers:

It's never too soon to get started

You don't have to be a genius to get started. You can start with simple programs, such as writing your name or making a Sudoku puzzle and see how far you can go from there. You may already have experience in another area of computing—perhaps you're an expert in graphic design or web development—and want to apply those skills toward computer science.

Whatever your age, it's never too soon to get started on your computer science career!

Study hard and make connections

There's no better way to learn than by doing. That's why it's important to study hard and make connections. The resources available to you will vary depending on where you're studying and whether or not your school has an online program in place, but there are still plenty of ways for beginners like yourself (the kind of people who might be looking into computer science careers) to get started.

  • Use the resources available! Most colleges have websites where they list all the classes being offered at their institution, along with information about each class's structure and workload requirements; these can help new students understand what kind of schedule they'll need in order for themselves upon arrival at college—and this knowledge will come in handy after graduation when applying for jobs as well! You should also look around online forums dedicated specifically towards helping others find jobs within their chosen field; these often have lists consisting of companies hiring entry-level employees such as yourself!

Try different programming languages and opportunities

You should try as many programming languages as you can. It's a tool, and the more tools you have at your disposal, the better equipped will be for whatever situation arises. You can always go back to what worked for you before, but it never hurts to try something new. Different environments and contexts require different languages—this means switching up between web development (HTML) and mobile app development (JavaScript).

Pitch yourself for jobs and internships

It's important to have a good resume, but that's not the only thing you need to get your foot in the door. You also have to be prepared for interview questions like: What is your elevator pitch? How do you solve problems? How would you handle an angry customer?

To practice answering these types of questions, think back to when someone asked them at work or school as part of their interview process. If they weren't asked during an interview and were instead asked by friends or family members (or even strangers), try answering them out loud so that everyone can hear how well it went!

Answering technical questions is another way of showing off your coding abilities without necessarily having worked on any projects yet; therefore, this step should come before practicing your technical skills and pitching yourself for jobs/internships."

You can get started on your computer science career by digging into the subject early and making connections.

The first thing you can do is to get started on your computer science career by digging into the subject early and making connections.

You may already know a lot about computers, but if not, there are many ways that you can build a foundation of knowledge. Here are some ideas:

  • Read articles on Medium or other sites about topics related to what interests you most. If someone writes an article talking about how they built something, read it! You’ll learn something new every time—and it will help prepare for when the opportunity arises later in life (or even right now).

  • Attend talks at conferences where people speak about their work; these events often have live Q&A sessions after presentations so attendees can ask questions directly from speakers—and this gives them an opportunity to connect face-to-face with those who share their interests! These opportunities may also lead into more informal meetings where participants discuss projects together over coffee or lunch at local restaurants nearby shops like Starbucks which offer free WiFi access throughout stores nationwide locations located outside main entrances.


If you're looking for a career in computer science, the first step is to start learning about the field. No matter where you go to school or what kind of job experience you have, there's always room for improvement when it comes time to land your first programming job. If this sounds like something that interests you, grab some coding books and get started today!

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